Circolo per il Personale


Banca Commerciale Italiana

 Via Amedei 8 – 20123 Milano

   Tel. 02/8850 int. 2277/2414

       Telefax 02/8850 3032








                                Milan,  November 13th  2000






European Inter Bank Bowling Challenge




Dear Bowling friends,


              The “Circolo per il Personale della Banca Commerciale Italiana di Milano” is delighted to be in a position to extend an invitation to participate in the 8th Challenge to be held in Milan at Easter, 2001 – from Saturday 14th to Sunday 15th April, 2001.


              You will find attached an entry form and a copy of the rules governing the competition.  In addition forms for your accommodation and banquet requirements are enclosed.




Sincerely Yours,